Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Is that a wiki on your....

The answer would be no, not a wiki and the answer to the question would be a totally different blog. Wiki's are nice since anyone can edit the wiki making the information more accurate, however, this is same reason I do not trust wikis. Wikipedia does have editors come in and check for accuracy but they to can miss things and I have found mistakes myself.

I do like the fact that a person needs no html or computer talent to edit a wiki, of course, it does help to know how to turn on a computer and use a mouse. Don't laugh, some people have these problems. I do have a control problem so like it is said in Wikis: A Beginner’s Look
Harnessing the Collective Intelligence
Computers in Libraries, wikis may not be for me. I will not however abandon the wiki. I like saying wiki and I like wikis for genres, allowing others to add to what can be a confusing area. The Booklovers Wiki is very helpful and I will probably use it along with the other genre wikis and I suppose the site I like the best will win out.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

my blog

My blog. My blog. My blog. What am I gonna do with all this blog? All this blog that looks like a hog. Thank you for joining the Beast and his blog and what I hope is a wonderful blogging experience.